Thursday 15 September 2022

Expert Tips for Painting over Your Already Painted Walls

 It could be that you want to give your flat a fresh new look, or it could be that the walls need some upkeep because they are starting to show their age. You may either do it yourself or employ help with painting walls, whatever the case may be. If you are thinking of painting your already painted interior walls over again, here are some tips from the best painter in Naples, Florida, that can help you.

Prep work

First, you should always prepare the area. This initial step is essential to getting the look you want. Giving your walls a fresh coat of paint and then painting over the current décor is pointless. Always make the space empty by taking away all the furniture and appliances. Next, protect your floors by lining them with either newspapers or a canvas sheet. To stop paint from splattering, tape over power plugs and other immovable objects.

Scrape Off the old paints

Despite how tempting it may be, avoid painting over existing paint. Yes, it's a time-consuming procedure, but do you recall the proverb your parents used to repeat to you? The adage states, "Do it once and do it well"? We are sure they had wall paintings in mind when they stated it.

Fill The Holes And Cracks

A smooth, even surface for your fresh coat of paint is ensured by filling in gaps and cracks in the wall and removing any previous paint. Patch up any obvious holes and cracks with a filler and a filling knife or scraper. It could be necessary to fill deeper holes more than once.

Then you need to clean the walls, use primers, paint them, and let them dry. These are the tips from the painters in Naples, Florida.